Parental Rights.....  

Posted by simpleman

Hello everybody and welcome back to another installment of the immensely popular and hip blog Parents “R” Us. Today we are going to discuss parental rights and the political effort to remove these rights from you and to put the power in your children’s hands. I had blogged about this on my political blog Simple Man Politics, but I felt it necessary to bring it to this forum as well.

As parents we can’t let our rights to raise our children be stripped away from us. We raise our children with the morals, values, and beliefs that we were raised with or feel are very important to living a healthy life physically, emotionally, and morally. We also reserve the right to punish our children for their transgressions in an appropriate measure, or reward them for their accomplishments as well.

Parental rights and children’s rights have been hotly contested issues in recent years due to the rise of socially relaxed morals and values as evidenced by our current government and its policies. Now there is a new player in the game of parental/children’s rights and that is the United Nations and boy do they have it in for us parents.

The UN has this thing called the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This piece of international language that they want to pass of as a treaty was ratified by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989 and entered into force in accordance with UN article 49 on September 2, 1990. What they want to United States to sign this treaty thereby giving the UN legal authority to enforce its rules against US citizens.

In a nutshell what this document says is that we as parents no longer have the right to punish our children. This document would also make spanking your child a criminal offense of assault. This document goes even further than that though it also implies that as a parent you have no right to know if your child is pregnant or o prevent an abortion. Basically this treaty puts the power in your child’s hands, but what does a child know about making responsible decisions.

There is however an organization out there with the information you need to know more details about this UN treaty as well as how to fight against its passage. The organization is and its founder is a man by the name of Michael Farris. Michael Farris believes in protecting children by empowering parents, and it is from him that I first heard of this UN document.

That is all I have for you guys today, but look at the UN treaty and at and you can see for yourself. I hope you all have an awesome day and a super weekend and we will be back again next week CIAO4NOW!!!!!

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Great post! Thanks for this information. I definitely don't want this to happen here in our country!!!