One of the things that all families have to deal with is illness in the home. This is especially true where your children are concerned, because they bring home the majority of all the illnesses you will eventually suffer. You know what they say, “The Family That Shares Together Stays Together” LOL.
As you know kids will share everything too. They will share their dirty clothes with their bedroom floors, the foods they don’t like with the family pet, so why not share their colds, flu’s, and fevers with their parents. After all isn’t sharing caring?
There are a few things that you can do to combat potential illness on the home front though, and they are really quite simple things to do, so let’s run down a short list okay?
1) Make sure your kids always wash up before going to school.
2) Make sure your kids are dressed appropriately for the weather when they go out.
3) Make sure you and your kids always wash up before eating.
4) Make sure your kids bathe or shower at least once a day.
5) Make sure your kids brush their teeth at least twice a day.
6) Make sure your kids eat balanced and nutritional meals.
7) Make sure your kids keep a regular schedule from the time they wake up till the time they go to sleep.
Here is a short list of some necessary things you should keep in your home as well.
1) Make sure you have plenty of soap in the house, both bar style and anti-bacterial.
2) Make sure you have things like Aspirin, (Ibuprophen), and acetaminophen (Tylenol) in your home for those little aches and pains.
3) Make sure to have things like liquid Tylenol and Nyquil to battle sore throats, coughs, and congestion.
4) Make sure to have band aids for those cuts and scrapes so they don’t get infected.
5) Make sure to have a topical ointment type antibiotic like Neosporin to help fight infections from cuts and scrapes.
6) Make sure you have plenty of tissues in the house for runny noses.
If you can make your kids follow these simple rules and keep a good stock of the items listed then you should have a pretty good chance of fighting off the illnesses that will visit your home uninvited. I hope that this helps all of you out.
That is all for todays Parents "R" US post but we will be back again soon. Have a great day and CIAO4NOW!!!!!
Sending Cards
13 years ago