Welcome back to Parents R Us! Thanks for stopping by again. Today I want to talk about a topic that is near and dear to my heart, lol. Responsibility. I was taught by my parents to be responsible and I firmly believe that we as parents today need to pass this on to our children. Unfortunately, we live in a very irresponsible world.
Just look around. Crime is one type of irresponsibility. People commit crimes they don't want to be responsible for. There are many people in our world that live off the government because they aren't responsible enough to go out and work. Kids today often want everything handed to them instead of taking responsibility themselves. It seems that teaching kids about responsibility has become a lost art.
When parents don't teach their children to be responsible, they are handicapping their children for life. Life meets no one halfway, as my husband often says, and responsibility is imperative in every part of life. Learning responsibility gives a feeling of value and self confidence. Kids that are taught responsibility are more likely to get better grades, have better self esteem, and become successful in life.
Teaching kids about being responsible isn't something you decide to do when they turn 13 and become a teenager. You have to start young. From the time your kids can walk and talk, you can start teaching them to be responsible. As soon as they are able, teach them to make their bed. It may not be perfect, but it is a small task. Have them place their clothing in the dirty clothes each night instead of on the floor. Make sure they pick up toys when they are done. All these simple things can make a huge difference and teach kids responsibility while they are young.
As kids begin to get older, they can take on a little more responsibility. Preteens and teenagers can be responsible for taking out the trash, washing dishes, sweeping the floor, cleaning the bathroom, and other tasks that they are adequately able to handle. Not only does this help them learn about responsibility, but it makes kids feel more like a part of the family. For a house to run efficiently, everyone has to work together. This also keeps mom from being the one who gets left with all the work in the house.
Although kids should not be overwhelmed with chores that steal away their childhood, a certain amount of chores in their life is great for teaching them how to be responsible later in life. Often giving them an allowance for doing their chores is a great way that they can EARN their money, instead of merely being handed something for nothing. It teaches kids the importance of money. When they have to earn it, it becomes more valuable to them.
Of course not only should responsibility be taught around the home, but in other areas of life. There is the responsibility to learn and work hard in school. They must learn to pay for their actions as well. There are consequences to each action, which is another part of responsibility. When they make mistakes, they need to deal with the consequences of their actions.
While it's often a bit of a battle of wills to teach your child responsibility, it is imperative to their success in life. Children who are taught responsibility will be better prepared for life on their own. They will learn how to achieve success, they'll become great workers, and learn how important responsibility is in each part of their life.
Today we don't see a lot of responsibility. It's time we start ensuring that our kids become responsible adults. Many problems in society today could have been prevented if parents would have required their children to be responsible. So, make sure you give your child some jobs to do and let them learn to be responsible while they are young. It may make the difference in their adult life.
Sending Cards
13 years ago