What Do They See…When They're Watching You???  

Posted by Joy

Awhile back I asked several of my Facebook friends for some good parenting topics. One of the topics that came up was little boys and the important of a male influence in their life. I got to thinking about this idea, and although this is not quite on that topic, this idea was born from that suggestion - so thanks!

In a way, I do want to talk about the male influence in a boy's life, but I didn't want to gear this post just to dads, because I think this post is just as relevant for moms as well. The question I'd like to pose is simply, what do your kids see when they're watching you?

I have to tell you, there have been several songs that have led my thinking in this direction lately. There's Billy Currington's "Walk a Little Straighter," Rodney Atkins "I've Been Watching You," and a perhaps lesser known song by Phillips, Craig & Dean, called "I Want to Be Just Like You."

It's easy to get caught up in our life as a parent. We feed our kids, clothe them, make sure they're bathed, and a lot of times we're even able to get them the things they want to. Sometimes we tell them "yes," and sometimes we tell them "no." Our life becomes an endless motion on running in 50 different directions at once, all trying to make sure our kids have the great life we think they need.

While making sure our kids get the best we can give them in any way is definitely important, sometimes we forget to think about the image that we are portraying to our children. Perhaps while we run around trying to make things "better" for them, we actually portray an image that they don't need. Often we make mistakes with what we say, the way we act, and the things we do.

Although you may tell your child to do things, instill certain beliefs in them, and work to bring them up with moral values, it is more than your words that you must think about. After all, it is your actions that speak much louder than your words. Kids remember what mom and dad DO more than what mom and dad say. Tired of talking to your kids until you're blue in the face? Maybe it's time that you change the way that you act.

Now, I'll be the first one to proclaim that parents aren't perfect. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm not, and I'm definitely not going to achieve perfection in this life. I make mistakes, and I'm sure my husband and kids could attest to that. This is not what I'm talking about though. Everyone makes mistakes, and as a parent, you'll make your share of mistakes and more…but how do you handle those mistakes? Do you go back and apologize? If so, you're on the right track!

You'll never be a perfect parent. You'll make mistakes. Resign yourself to this fact. However, as a parent, I believe that we all are responsible for the way that we act. Although our children will come to a point where they are responsible for their actions, the responsibility of being a parent and influence on them is ours. So, once again I ask you, what do they see when they're watching you?

Enjoy the videos below too!